Sunday, August 19, 2007

Watermelon Massacre and Fevers

So, I finally had time today to sit down and update the blog. I am so sorry for those of you who have been waiting since my last email about NEW and shiny posts, but school starting, a baby with a fever and being sick, will do it every time!

Anyway, so two weeks ago Kaylee had watermelon for the first time and boy was it yummy! It was so yummy that we thought our foot needed to have some too and I had to end up actually saying, "Kaylee, take that watermelon off of your foot!" She was rubbing her foot with the watermelon. I figure it must have felt good or something, but I'm not going to try it. EWWWW!

When we got finished with the watermelon it looked like Kaylee had just killed something. She had watermelon in her hair, on her face, down her clothes, and her bib was so soaked it looked like blood. So we will call it the Watermelon Massacre! Oh, and yes we had it on our feet, too!

On Saturdays, Kaylee likes going to the farmer's market here in GR. We tend to go early to try to beat the crowd. That and we're up early usually anyway. She loves to look around at all the people and try to grab things off the tables. We usually buy quite a bit of stuff and load up two bags that we take and then the bottom of her stroller with more delicate things that we don't want squashed in the bags. This weekend however we did not get to the market because of fevers.

Kaylee had a real nice one going since Thursday. I got a call at work on Thursday morning from Miss Linda at the daycare. She said that Kaylee had a fever and I needed to come and get her. I guess it's been going around, since they sent 3 kids home on Wednesday with the same thing. So, Friday, we woke up and ate breakfast and Mom waited for Nana instead of Dad, because of an emergency at work and low and behold, not only did we have fever, but spewage as well.

A little secret about me, I can deal with all the dirty diapers in the world, but throw-up doesn't thrill me at all. I hate the stuff and the stuff hates me. We have a mutual dislike of each other. So, Tim came home from work after the crisis was averted and stayed with Kaylee for the day, since classes start tomorrow and I am so NOT ready for them. Thanks Tim!

Anyway, things have calmed down and Kaylee is feeling better. She is spending the night with Nana, so Mommy and Daddy can relax and so that Mommy can get some rest because now she's sick! Thanks Kaylee for sharing!

Anyway, so that's what's been going on here. Sorry for the delay in post, but stay tuned for the next update, you never know it could be video of our girl walking. I did get a little snippet, but it wasn't really all that good (About 5-6 steps with her little Fisher Price popcorn popper). More later...

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