Tuesday, August 7, 2007

*tap, tap* Is this thing on?

I guess I have access to write at this blog thingy too. Jen's better at it than I am, so don't expect to see me too often.

Anyway, had a day at home with Kaylee yesterday (my every-other-Monday-work-from-home-day). She had green beans (real, unpulverized green beans) with lunch. She was eating them like she eats Cheerios--she couldn't shovel them in fast enough. We did find a bunch of green bean chunks in her high chair afterwards, though.

We bought a new digital camera as well--a Canon Powershot S3 IS. It does up to 9 minute chunks of high res video (with sound). I doubt we'll be posting a lot of video (about 100MB per minute), but hopefully there will be more pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kaylee is just like her Daddy. He ate green beans just like that when he was her age. Thanks for doing the blog thing. It has been great to check it and look at all the pictures. I love the last picture on the page...I can hear her laughing! Love, Grandma