Monday, January 14, 2008

Are the Laird's still around?

I think we are--it's been a little busy the past couple of months. Nana broke her leg and lived with us for a few weeks, we did some whirlwind travelling at Christmas (to our friends in the QC's--sorry we couldn't visit; we were able to come into town for a couple of days at New Years, but it was such a last minute trip that we didn't have time to get with anybody), and overall we're just trying to keep our heads above water.

Kaylee's doing great--she does have an ear infection in each ear, but she doesn't seem to mind too much. Doc has her on an antibiotic. She's as active as ever--her new favorite pastime (besides dancing--she still can't stop moving her feet) is to take her two rolling pull along toys (a dog and a frog), give one to me (I usually get the dog), and we race around the dining room table...

For 15-20 minutes at a stretch. I have fun--but if you're the type that thinks NASCAR is boring, you'd hate to watch this.

We'll get some Christmas pictures posted soon (maybe by next Christmas), but here's a couple for now:

Enjoying a roaring (electric, heatless) Christmas fire.

Kaylee with Cousin Ethan (how's that for a pose?)

Kaylee and Cousin Katie