Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy... Come here Fishy!

So, I guess it's my turn to blog again. As Tim just suggested, the blog might just explode, but so be it!

As you can see by the title, my little foray back into blogging is about our newest additions to our family. Kaylee got an aquarium for Christmas from Tim and I. On Friday, she got fish, or "fiss," as she calls them. We got two of them for now and eventually there will be 6 in total. For now we are sticking with the goldfish variety, because we figure we don't want a bunch of fishy funerals or a bunch of Sharks biting fingers off of little Kaylee!

So Friday, Kaylee and I went to one of our local pet stores VI Pets. (It's been in the area since I was a kid and I have always liked them.) They are extremely knowledgeable with all kinds of pets, but they are extremely good with fish! Well, we went to the pet store and Kaylee is jumping around like a kid that's eaten way too much candy, which I can assure you, she hadn't. We had to wait for the lady to help several other people before she could get to us, so we went from tank to tank in their large fish area looking at fish.

Kaylee would pull me, "come on, come on" and say, "Up! Fiss!" then we'd be off to the next one. This got extremely tiresome, but I managed. She ended up picking out her goldfish. We got a Bubble Eyed Organda and a very small Black Moor Fantail. They look similar to these.

This one is a Bubble Eyed Organda. Kaylee's is similar in color and size to this one. Of course given a few years and it'll be huge, but for now, she's pretty midsized for a starter fish. Kaylee named her Bubbles.

This one is a Black Moor Fantail. Kaylee's is smaller than this one, but of course will be bigger in a few months, given the size of the tank and all. She named the black moor, Eyeballs.

The fish are safe in their home away from the cats and Kaylee of course loves to go in and watch the fish and the bubbles from the bubbler and the filter. When we first put the aquarium together and it had no fish, she sat for a total of 35 minutes the first day just watching the bubbles with the light on. It was pretty boring for me, but hey, whatever floats the boat! Now she gets to watch the fish and even feeds them. This is the highlight of her day!

She puts the food in and then yells at the tank, "Eat fish, Eat!" Of course, when we go in to see the fish, the first thing she usually says is, "Here fishy, fishy!" I just hope that in a few weeks I'm not standing over a toilet reading the 23rd Psalm over a bunch of fish, with Kaylee saying a final, "Bye-bye fishy!"

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