Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An American Pes'dent

It's been a big day. Hits to cnn.com and the like basically slowed down our internet connection at the office to a crawl between 11:30 and 12:30. I guess something big was going on. :)

I didn't vote for the guy, nor do I think that his policies will bring an immediate beneficial result to our nation. But, without doubt, hundreds of millions of people spent time today observing one of the most important procedures of our Republic. If one percent of them comes away with an interest in, as JFK put it 48 years ago, "not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country", then perhaps it's worth it.

Perhaps a new generation will take an interest in what my generation has been apathetic to. Perhaps a new, respectable debate will develop within us--a debate that will lead us to answers, not to hatred and impasse. Perhaps my two year old daughter will actually understand the role of the man that she saw on TV today and called "Pes'dent, Pes'dent!"

Mr. President, if for no other reason, for that fact I'm willing to give you a chance.

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