Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fishicide... yes there was a death!

Rule 1 - NEVER follow the feeding instructions on the back of the package of fish food.
Rule 2 - Always check with the pet store before you start feeding new fish.
Rule 3 - Destroy the evidence before you get caught.
And last but not least...
Rule 4 - Never tell the kid that the fish is dead.

So, Tuesday morning I get up and go to feed the fish... the back of the can said to feed them 2-3 times per day as much as they could eat in 5 minutes... THEY LIED and the Fish DIED! I find poor little Eyeballs laying in the little plastic plant, like some poor shmuck who got foisted into the wilderness after someone murdered him. I admit I thought Bubbles might have pulled a Godfather type of hit on him, but I didn't find any evidence of gun residue or piano wire, so I couldn't prove it.

So, I called Tim down from his slumber to help me clean up the crime scene and put him in the morgue... I mean fridge... so he would be safe from grave robbers... I mean Dru... for the day, until I could get him to the fish store so Kaylee and I could trade him in for a replacement. Oh the horror, when to my shock and amazement I check the pet store website and read the Goldfish feeding instructions. And I quote:

It is very difficult to starve your fish, but very easy to overfeed it. If the food falls to the bottom of bowl you are overfeeding. In a bowl if you overfeed 2 or 3 times in a week you could kill your fish. We recommend you feed your fish every other day once a day.

Every other day! Once a day! What? I'm... I'm... I'm a MURDERER! I have committed Fishicide! Oh the horror! I was of course upset that I had just killed one of my sweet baby's first fish. What was I going to do? My first thought was dump the body, but then there would be no replacement. My second thought, blame the cat... no really, I wouldn't do that! What kind of monster do you people think I am?

I actually confessed to Tim and then to Kaylee... and then to the pet store fish guy. I would be a terrible criminal, because I would just go and confess to whatever I had just done! So needless to say, today after two days of being "Eyeball-less" we now have a new fish. He is an orange larger fantail. No deformities to speak of or abnormalities. Kaylee named him Orange! Real original I know, but she was extremely adamant about what his name was. She was also adamant about which fish at the pet store she wanted! I have to say, my child is very decisive.

Well, now that I've confessed on the web, I suppose I'll have the PETA people after me, or the FCSI (Fish Crime Scene Investigators) hounding me for a DNA sample and an affidavit stating where I was on the night in question. I'd have to say, "Sound asleep in my bed, while my goldfish pellets was killing Eyeballs the fish! I did it officer, please don't throw the fin at me! I promise not to overfeed again!"

Grissom would have figured it out in a minute and would have had me hauled in by Brass by breakfast. It took me half the day to figure out that I was the responsible party. Shhhh! Just don't remind Kaylee when the next one croaks, I'll probably get blamed for that one too!

Here's to hoping that there are no more deaths in the immediate future. I don't know if my conscience can take anymore murder and mayhem!

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