Monday, July 23, 2007

First teeth, first words, and wall climbing... oh my!

Okay, so we've gotten our first word and it has recognized meaning. Dad said over and over when Kaylee wants something from her Daddy. She will also follow Dad around the house saying the same thing over and over. Also we have our first two syllable word too, which was donkey. Don't ask me how she managed it, but it was said on our way to Maryland/New York. Tim and I were talking about Shrek and I said something about Donkey and all of a sudden we hear from the back seat, "Donkey!" It was quite enthusiastic, too.

Our first molars are coming in now and boy are we starting to wish that we had invested in either Ora Gel stock or the teething ring business. I tell you the Motrin company will be making a mint from us in the next few weeks, also we'll be swimming in Ora Gel and balmex... don't ask! Either way we have quite a few harrowing tales from the last few days, including our first time-out. Let's just say that the Princess doesn't like time out or crib solitary confinement without her Leo-pard or blankie.

We also got to order off the menu for her this weekend for the first time at a restaurant! We were so excited. She ate chicken strips, fries, mushrooms (and she liked them!), drank from a big girl cup, and even had some milk. She didn't like the strait milk too much, but it's starting to grow on her. She also had some really yummy banana ice cream on Saturday afternoon. She loved that, especially since it helped her tooth ache!

Kaylee has also become quite the dare devil. She loves to climb stairs. Unfortunately she loves to climb the side of the stairs where there isn't so much to climb, just little bits of wood, so she ends up "rock/wood" climbing the wall to get to the top of the stairs in our house. I let her do this only because if I pulled her down mid-climb she would definitely fall. If I let her do it, she is libel to make it up and she's learned a valuable lesson, she can climb walls like spider man. Oh, what's a mother to do? She also has taken to climbing other things. She will overturn boxes and containers and climb on top of those. She climbs onto our swinging gate to our kitchen and wiggles and laughs. She thinks this is fun. I thinks she gets a kick out of me having heart palpitations and turning white as a ghost and telling her no a million times. Oh, she tries my patience, but I love her!

Well, all is well in the world, as long as I hear my Kaylee playing, it's when I can't hear her that is the problem... speaking of which... KAYLEE! Gotta go!

1 comment:

Beth Hurford said...

I can't wait to see the little princess soon! Love the first two syl word- how appropriate! Are you sure she wasn't calling her mother?