Kaylee is obviously concerned about something hippy-ish, like the rainforests, world peace...or maybe there's just something in her diaper.

Right now she's trying to comprehend the concept of Halloween. "So, I go to people's doors, and they give me candy--and I'm supposed to take it. Isn't this what you warn me to NEVER do the rest of the year?"

Nana never did like hippies, and so she puts Kaylee to work right away.

This year was Kaylee's first year Trick-or-Treating. We had a couple of false starts; we'd get outside, and she'd start to cry. The neighbors got most of their extended families together and went around our neighborhood, and when Kaylee saw them congregating, she got more interested. So I talked her into taking a walk down the street with me.
We walked by our other neighbor's house, and Kaylee just wanted to keep walking down the street. About 2 houses later, I convinced her that it was OK for us to walk up to someone's door. Kaylee didn't make it all the way up, but the nice lady came outside and gave her some candy. We did that once or twice more, and then, by the end of the street, she was pulling me along door to door. We stopped at the neighbor that she snubbed on the way back.
We also got this picture on Halloween, but it's not really related. Kaylee's been wanting to dress herself lately. Friday morning I got her up, and her pajama pants were on inside out. Now, I know that I put them on properly the night before, so this means that she has successfully gotten the pants back on all the way. But during her nap on Friday she got her pants off and left it at that. She was worn out from a day of activism. :)

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