Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We're back from Vacation

Now that we're back from vacation, there will (hopefully) be a flurry of posts. Figured I'd share some stuff from Jen and my night on the town in NYC. Beth and Pat bought Jen tickets to Wicked! for her birthday, and we went into town on Tuesday night to see it. We had dinner at a little hole in the wall Irish pub (no TGI Fridays this time for us!), and then went to the show (which was excellent).

Afterwards, we went across the street to this diner that Jen spotted to get some dessert. It had a sign that said "Home of the singing waitstaff". We figured it was just some cheesy thing, like when the staff at a chain restaurant gets together and half heartedly sings "Happy Birthday".

We couldn't have been more wrong. All of the wait staff are aspiring Broadway actors and actresses. They took turns belting out showtunes and other music all night long. I got a quick video of one waitress doing (fittingly) one of the songs from "Wicked!"

If you watch the related videos, most of them are of other waiters and waitresses from the diner. Ryan, our waiter, does a Barry Manilow song that is absolutely hilarious.

We knew we wanted to take a cab back to the train station--we walked up to the theater, but needed to get off our feet. A guy driving a bike rickshaw pulled up to the curb, and I figured "Why not?" I haggled him from $25 to $20 (I only had $20 cash on me), and he biked us all the way back to the station. Our path took us right through the middle of Times Square--going through Times Square on a bike is an interesting experience, to say the least. I was able to get a pretty poorly lit picture of us being deftly manuevered through NYC cab traffic.

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