Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yup, it's Dad again

I'm not going to make any more promises about what I hope to post--you get what you get, and, darn it, it's Kaylee and you should be happy with it! :)

Anyway, Jen has been really sick the past few weeks (one or more of the flu varieties going around). Kaylee and I both had a little bit of it, but we both got over it pretty quickly.

Below is one of the reasons that we just don't have time to post anymore (she's climbing now, folks...). I've got just a diabetic coma-inducingly cute photo, too.

And for those of you struggling with children that don't stay still, especially during diaper changes, try out the baby straight jacket! I'm sure the people that make it would hate that term for it; they prefer "Hug and Hold". But it does work: http://www.change-eze.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie has that same outfit (I wonder where it came from) and just wore it today. She will be excited to see that Kaylee has the same butterfly outfit. We miss you guys!