Thursday, October 4, 2007

On being sick and "Working" from home

Kaylee has been sick the past few days. Nothing serious, just a fever and cold like symptoms (that's a nice way of saying chunky snot flowing constantly from her nose). Since I have the option of working from home, I've been staying home with her this week.

Tuesday was great. I got quite a bit of work done during a couple of naps, and Kaylee played pretty well, considering she wasn't feeling well. Jen came home early afternoon and watched her for a little bit while I got some more critical work done.

Today (Thursday) has been great. She's sleeping now, in fact. When she's been playing this morning, she's been in good spirits, other than this 5 packs a day cough she seems to have picked up at the tail end of the cold.

Wednesday....oh, please, God, let me forget about Wednesday. Jen shifted her Wednesday (full day) and Thursday (half day) schedules for the week, since I had to be at the office yesterday afternoon. Kaylee woke up about 7:15, and basically cried straight through until Jen got home at 12:30. She wouldn't nap. She wouldn't eat. She didn't want to be held, but she didn't want to be set down. I rushed a shower as soon as Jen got home, and prayed that Kaylee would be a little better for her.

Jen was on a frantic call to Nana when I got home at 8pm. She got the same treatment I had earlier in the day. Kaylee slept for a grand total of 45 minutes yesterday. By 8pm, she was tired, cranky, and did I mention tired? Put her to bed, though, and she screams till she pukes. We finally got her to go to sleep around 9:30, and then we split up the overnight--I would get up with her until 3am, Jen would get up with her after that.

The night went pretty well, though. We both had to get up with her around midnight--she had completely soaked her pj's and her bed (that "butt straight up in the air" sleeping style of hers has caused more overnight accidents...). Thankfully, once she was changed (and the sheets were changed), she went back down pretty easily. She woke up again about 3:30am; Jen put her blanket back over her and she went back to sleep. I still had to get up, though, to check the basement for an prowler Jen thought she heard (I've never had the chance to wield a Mag-lite like a weapon before)--turns out it was just a door creaking open.

But that was yesterday (and very early this morning). Today is going really well. I think by tomorrow Kaylee will be completely over this thing, too--just in time for Nana to watch her for the day. :)

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